Douglas, Korry

Postgre SQL - 2nd - Indiana: Developer`s Library, 2006 - xxi, 1006p. : il

I General PostgreSQL use : 1 Introduction to PostgreSQL and SQL - 2 Working with data in PostgreSQL - 3 PostgreSQL SQL syntax and use - 4 Performance - II Programming with PostgreSQL : 5 Introduction to PostgreSQL programming - 6 Extending PostgreSQL - 7 PL/pgSQL - 8 The PostgreSQL C API-libpq - 9 A simpler C APLI-libpgeasy - 10 The new PostgreSQL C++ API-libpqxx - 11 Embedding SQL commands in C programs-ecpg - 12 Using PostgreSQL from a ODBC client application - 13 Using PostgreSQL from a Java client application - 14 Using PostgreSQL with Perl - 15 Using PostgreSQL with PHP - 16 Using PostgreSQL with Tcl and Tcl/Tk - 17 Using PostgreSQL sith Python - 18 npgsql: the .NET data Provider - 19 Other useful programming tools - III PostgreSQL administration : 20 Introduction to PostgreSQL administration - 21 PostgreSQL administration - 22 Internationalization and localization - 23 Security - 24 Replicating PostgreSQL data with Slony - 25 Contributed modules.


SQL (Lenguaje de programación para computadores)

005.74 / D735