Sanjurjo Navarro, Rafael

Aeronautical Groung Lighting Rafael Sanjunrjo Navarro, Ferran Balcells Serra - Madrid : Fundación Aena, 2008 - 238 p. : il.

Incluye bibliografía

1 : Introduction. - 2 : Mechanical and thermal effects on visual aids. - 3 : Fundamentals concepts of optics and illuminating. - 4 : Electric lamps.- 5 : Interior lighting. - Cap. 6 : Apron floodlighting. - Cap. 7 : Design of Aeronautical. - 8 : Confuguration of the aeronautical ground lighting systems. - 9 : Surface movement guidance and control systems (SMGCS). - 10 : Electric Equiment related to visual aids. - 11 : Planning, implementation and maintenance of the AGL. - 12 : Control and monitoring of aeronautical ground lightingsystems.



629.1365 / S195