Griffiths, R. B.

Consistent quantum theory / Robert B. Griffiths - xvi, 391 páginas : ilustraciones

1. Introduction
2. Wave functions
3. Linear algebra in Dirac notation
4. Physical properties
5. Probabilities and physical variables
6. Composite systems and tensor products
7. Unitary dynamics
8. Stochastic histories
9. The Born rule
10. Consistent histories
11. Checking consistency
12. Examples of consistent families
13. Quantum interference
14. Dependent (contextual) events
15. Density matrices
16. Quantum reasoning
17. Measurements I
18. Measurements II
19. Coins and counterfactuals
20. Delayed choice paradox
21. Indirect measurement paradox
22. Incompatibility paradoxes
23. Singlet state correlations
24. EPR paradox and Bell inequalities
25. Hardy's paradox
26. Decoherence and the classical limit
27. Quantum theory and reality


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