Cockburn, Alistair

Writing effective use cases/ Alistair Cockburn - xxiii, 270 páginas, 3 hojas sin numerar: ilustraciones - The crystal collection for software professionals .

Incluye índices y apéndices

Part I : The use case body parts : The use case as a contract for behavior - Scope - Stakholders and actors - Three named goal levels - Preconditions, triggers, and guarantees - Scenarios and steps - Extensions - Technology and data variations - Linking use cases - Use case formats Part II : Frequently discussed topics : When are we done? - Scaling up to many use cases - CRUD and parameterized use cases - Business processs modeling - The missing requirements - Use cases in the overall process - Use case fbriefs and extreme programming - Mistakes fixed - Part III : Reminders for the busy - Reminders for eache use case : Reminders for the use case set - Reminders for working on the use cases.

Asignatura: Análisis y diseño de software


CASOS DE USO (Ingeniería de Sistemas)

005.3 / C665