Javas Script : the definitive guide

Flanagan, David

Javas Script : the definitive guide David Flanagan - 6th ed. - Beijing : Sebastopol, CA : O'Reilly, 2011 - xvi, 1078 p. : il.

Incluye índice

1.- Introduction to Javas Script. - Part. I : 2 Lexical Structure. - 3. Types, values, and variables.- 4. Expressions and operators. - 5. Statements. - 6. Objects. - 7. Arrays. - 8. Functions. - 9. Classes and modules. - 10. Patten matching with regular expressions.- 11. Java Script subsets and extensions. - 12. Serve-side Java Script. - Part. II. 13. Java Script in web browsers. - 14. The window object. - 15. Scripting documents. - 16. Scripting CSS. - 17. Handling events. - 18.Scripted HTTP. - 19. The jquery library. - 20. Client-side storage. - 21. Scripted media and graphics. - 22. HTML5 APIs. - Part. III. : Core JavaScript reference . - Part. IV. : Client-side JavaScript reference.

JAVASCRIPT (lenguaje de programación para computadoras)
PROGRAMACION ORIENTADA A OBJETOS (Ciencia de la computación)

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